“Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect”

FBS            :        Fasting blood sugar    

ARDS         :         Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome    

ASHD         :         Arteriosclerotic or Atherosclerotic heart disease    

LBBB         :         Left Bundle Branch Block    

RBBB         :         Right Bundle Branch Block    

CHF            :         Congestive Heart Failure    

COPD         :         Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

DOE           :         Dyspnea on Excretion

DOS/DOV  :        Date of Service/ Visit

PEARL      :        Pupils Equal and Reactive to Light

PDR            :         Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy

NPDR         :         Non-Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy

PSVT          :         Paroxysmal Supra Ventricular Tachycardia

SVT            :         Supra Ventricular Tachycardia

VT              :         Ventricular tachycardia

PVD           :         Peripheral Vascular Disease

PAD           :         Peripheral Arterial Disease

PA              :         Peripheral Angiopathy

POD           :         Peripheral Occlusive Disease

SIDS           :         Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

TIA             :         Transient Ischemic Attack

URI             :         Upper Respiratory Infection

UTI             :         Urinary Tract infection

MD             :         Muscular Dystrophy

MDD          :         Major Depressive Disorder

MI               :         Myocardial Infarction

A.Fib          :         Atrial Fibrillation

AF              :         Atrial Flutter

AF              :         Atrial fibrillation

AS              :         Aortic stenosis

ASD           :         Atrial septal defect.

CABG        :         Coronary artery bypass graft

CAD           :         Coronary artery disease

MR             :         Mitral regurgitation

PAC            :         Premature atrial contraction

PVC            :         Premature ventricular contraction

VSD           :         Ventricular septal defect

ESRD         :         End –stage renal disease

HD              :         Hemodialysis

TURP         :        Transurethral resection of the prostate

UTI             :         Urinary tract infection

CTS            :         Carpal tunnel syndrome

IM              :        Intramuscular

IV               :        Intravascular

RA              :         Rheumatoid arthritis

RF              :         Rheumatoid factor

ROM          :        Range of motion

SLE            :         Systemic lupus erythematosus

SLE            :        Slit Lamp Examination

DM             :         Diabetes mellitus

IDDM         :         Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus

NIDDM      :         Non-insulin-dependent diabetes

PTH           :        Parathyroid hormone (parathormone)

TSH           :        Thyroid-stimulating hormone

CVA           :         Cerebrovascular accident

MS              :         Multiple sclerosis

PET            :        Positron emission tomography

TENS         :        Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation

BPH            :         Benign Prostate Hyperplasia

PSA            :        Prostate-specific antigen

TURP         :        Transurethral resection of prostate

TRUS         :        Trans rectal ultrasound 

IUP             :        Intrauterine pregnancy

IUD            :        Intrauterine device

PID             :         Pelvic inflammatory disease

PMS           :         Premenstrual syndrome

HSV-I         :         Herpes simplex virus type –I

HSV-II        :         Herpes simplex virus type –II

AIDS          :         Acquired Immuno deficiency syndrome

AKA           :         Above Knee Amputation

BKA           :         Below Knee Amputation

DKA           :         Diabetic ketoacidosis

TKA           :         Total Knee Arthroplasty

AMI            :         Acute Myocardial Infarction

AVB           :         Arterio Ventricular Block

TBSA         :        Total Body Surface Area

CRF            :         Chronic Renal failure

CRF            :         Chronic Respiratory Failure

DVT           :         Deep vein thrombosis

HIV            :         Human immuno deficiency virus

IBD             :         Inflammatory bowel disease

IBS             :         Irritable bowel syndrome

NKDA        :         No Known drug allergies

OD              :         Right eye

OS              :         Left eye

OU              :         Both eyes

PVC            :         Pre-mature ventricular contraction

STEMI        :         ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction

NSTEMI     :         Non ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction

VV              :         Varicose Veins

WNL           :         Within Normal Limits

W/O            :         Without

H/O             :         History of

R/O             :         Rule Out

C/O             :         Complaining Of

S/P              :         Status post

Hx              :         History

Cx               :         Cervix

Dx              :         Diagnosis

Fx               :         Fracture

Tx               :         Treatment

Rx               :         Prescription

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